Episode 39: Che - Part 2 | A Revolutionary Death

Hal and Craig watched Steven Soderbergh's Che: Part Two (2008), chronicling Che Guevara's time fighting in the Bolivian Revolution and his eventual capture and execution. Discussion also includes:

  • Craig's recent trip to Chicago (lots of Cubs and White Sox talk!);

  • The Black Panther Cubs and Fred Hampton's legacy of community action;

  • Hal's letterboxd list of movies about artistes

  • Our recent movie watches: IN A VIOLENT NATURE (2024), MARAT/SADE (1967), SLAVE PLAY. NOT A MOVIE. A PLAY. (2024);

  • Why the Bolivian Revolution failed, where the Cuban Revolution did not.

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Sources & Links

  • A Revolutionary Life by John Lee Anderson

  • The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto Guevara

  • Blowback Podcast Season 2

  • Guerilla Warfare by Ernesto Guevara

  •  “Why Che?" by Amy Taubin

  • "On the Record With Hamas" by Jeremy Scahill

  • Blasier, Cole. 1967. “Studies of Social Revolution: Origins in Mexico, Bolivia, and Cuba.” Latin American Research Review 2(3): 28-64.

  • Dominguez, Jorge I. and Christopher N. Mitchell. 1977. “The Roads Not Taken: Institutionalization and Political Parties in Cuba and Bolivia. Comparative Politics. 9(2): 173-195.

  • Eckstein, Susan. 1985. “Revolutions and the Restructuring of National Economies: The Latin American Experience.” Comparative Politics. 17(4): 473-494.

  • Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P. 1992. Guerillas & Revolution in Latin America: A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes Since 1956.


Episode 40: The Motorcycle diaries (2004) | A Revolutionary Journey


Episode 38: Che - Part 1 (2008) | The Politics of Revolution